Places aux Jeunes en région

1. Promote the services of Dialogue McGill in educational institutions that offer health and social services training programs in major urban centres, primarily the metropolitan regions of Montréal, Québec City or Gatineau. Targeted activities (career day, booth, presentation, etc.) will be featured on our recruitment calendar, as well as promotional tools to support the promotion.

2. Hold happy-hour networking activities, primarily in Montréal, Québec City or Gatineau. These events provide an opportunity for initial contact between students and regional stakeholders to learn about the region as a place to live. There is also an opportunity to make connections for possible participation in an exploratory visit to the region.

3. Hold networking events in the regions in the form of an exploratory visit. This is a two-day trip to allow a small group of young people aged 18 to 35 to explore the region and meet employers, with accommodations, meals and activities at no cost to the participants.


McGill SCSD Teaching Clinics: Meeting the English-language needs of SLP students and Quebecers with communication disorders


Training for the New Health Needs