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Funded Student Projects
Dialogue McGill funds students who research access to health and social services for English-speaking populations in Quebec. After a diligent internal review by Dialogue McGill’s research committee, the following student projects were selected for funding.
Do Language and Motivational Barriers Influence COVID-19 Vaccine Beliefs, Intention, and Behavior? A Longitudinal Study among English-speaking Minorities Living in Quebec
It all begins with an idea.
Objectives: The proposed 3-wave retrospective and prospective longitudinal study will examine linguistic and motivational factors that may attenuate intention and uptake of the COVID-19 vaccine among young adults belonging to different language (English vs. French) and visible minority status groups living in Quebec. Based on the Self-Determination Theory (SDT; Deci & Ryan, 1985), the primary objective will identify antecedent factors that predict both vaccine intention and vaccine uptake. Exploratory aims will examine potential group differences and will test whether vaccine intention mediates the relation between motivation and vaccine uptake.