Student Internship Support

The next application deadline for internship support is January 15, 2025.


Internship Support

This component of the Dialogue McGill Retention Program aims at supporting students who decide to intern in a health and social services institution in a Quebec region located far away from their place of study and who must incur additional costs to do so.

Students interested in receiving reimbursement for internship travel and accommodation expenses can submit an application through their program of study. The participating program of study will evaluate then submit a batch of applications to Dialogue McGill for review.


The primary objective of this program is to contribute to building students’ capacity to be hired in a public health and social services institution in the Quebec regions.

Funding Amount

The funding provided is per request and contingent on students’ needs at the time of application

$200 - $5,000


The Student Internship Support Program is open to students who:

  • are Canadian citizens or permanent residents;

  • are registered full-time in a health and social services program in Quebec at the time of application;

  • have the appropriate level of English and French language skills needed in order to provide services in a health and social services institution in Quebec;

  • are interested in returning to work in the region in which their internship was held upon graduation;

  • have long-term career objectives that are compatible with the Student Support Measures;

  • have a satisfactory academic standing.

Need additional support?

Students in health and social service programs may be eligible for one of our bursaries

Application Process

Applications for internship support must be submitted by one of the following deadlines:

June 17, 2024

October 4, 2024

January 15, 2025

Student Application

Students must complete and sign Form 1: Student Application and submit it to their educational institution’s Field Placement Coordinator. The form requires that students provide the following information:

  • Details of the internship: name of participating organization, location of internship, start and end dates of internship and all expected travel (if applicable).

  • The main reason(s) for choosing this region for their internship.

  • Their long-term career objectives.

  • Recent Curriculum Vitae

  • Details on the expected expenses, including:

    • transportation costs, including round trips, required from the student’s place of residence to the region where the internship takes place;

    • transportation costs within the region where the internship takes place, if applicable. Students are encouraged to use public transit or ride share options when feasible;

    • cost of accommodation within the region where the internship takes place (i.e., rent, utilities, etc.). Student’s are required to find accommodation that is economically viable for the region, and are encouraged to source available residences, rooms for rent, and other affordable options;

    • other related costs (e.g., internet, telephone, etc.).

Students who have any questions regarding the application process should speak with their Field Placement Coordinator. For McGill students, please submit to the designated contact at your respective professional schools for student internship funding call. The information is communicated through your school.

Educational Institution Recommendation

The educational institution’s Field Placement Coordinator must complete Form 2: Educational Institution Recommendation. They will be asked to provide the following:

  • Student’s name and home region in Quebec.

  • Their contact information.

  • The name and address of the organization that will host the internship.

  • The start and end dates of the internship.

  • The name of the internship supervisor.

  • A confirmation of the financial amount requested by the student. The amount should be identical to the total appearing in Form 1: Student Application, section 9. D.

The Field Placement Coordinator must submit the following documents to Dialogue McGill via email to

  1. Form 1: Student Application, duly signed and completed

  2. Form 2: Education Institution Recommendation, duly signed and completed

  3. Student’s Curriculum Vitae

Post-Internship Report

Students who received funding and completed their internships will be required to complete an Internship report. The student will need to:

  • Describe the work performed at the participating organization hosting the intern.

  • State whether they provided services in English or in French.

  • Evaluate their experience during the internship period and provide suggestions/improvements for future internships.

  • Sign and return the signed report to the Field Placement Coordinator.

  • Students in their final year of the program will need to indicate if they received a job offer at the end of their internship.

The Field Placement Coordinator must confirm that the internship has taken place by signing the Form 3 - Internship Report.

Allowable Expenses

Students who undertake an internship in a region far from their training location will be able to benefit from financial support for:

  • Cost of transportation of round trip from the student’s place of residence to the region where the internship takes place.

  • Cost of transportation within the region where the internship takes place. Note that students are encouraged to use public transportation when it is available in their region.

  • Cost of accommodation within the region where the internship takes place including rent, electricity, heating, etc. Students are encouraged to find affordable lodging in their region. Dialogue McGill will review typical rental amounts for the region when evaluating the student’s budget. If the application is approved for funding and there is a difference between the actual cost and approved amount, the student would be responsible for covering the difference.

  • Cost of other related expenses (internet, telephone, etc.)

Payment Modalities

Payment to the Educational institution

McGill Professional Schools

Once Dialogue McGill has approved funding for internship, a letter of approval / notice of award to the McGill professional school will be made and signed by both units.

Other Universities and Cegeps

Once Dialogue McGill has approved funding for internship, an approval letter and a subaward agreement will be made and sent to the institution for signature. Reimbursement will be distributed within forty (40) calendar days after signing the subaward agreement by both parties and the submission of the Record of Expenditures.

Payment to the recipient

For McGill professional schools, the student support payments will be paid by Dialogue McGill.

For other universities and Cegeps, the educational institution is responsible for disbursing payments to the students, recipients of internship support funding.