Students & Professionals

Dialogue McGill offers student- and professional-focused initiatives to improve patient communication and retain qualified professionals in Quebec. We support students and professionals to help prepare the future generations of researchers and health and social service professionals.

Support for Students and Professionals

Student Bursaries

Funding to full-time students enrolled in health and social services programs who commit to practicing in a public health and social services institution in Quebec for 1-year.

Research Stipends

Provides stipends to students who wish to develop and pursue a research project under the supervision of a Quebec-based researcher.

Language Training

Language training courses and activities that help health and social services professionals and students acquire the English and French skills they need in Quebec institutions.

Internship Support

Financial support for students who intern in a health and social services institution in a region far from their place of study.

Since 2018

  • 55+

    Student Bursaries

  • 38+

    Student Research Projects Funded

  • 235+

    Language Training Participants

  • 40+

    Internships supported

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