Community Network Bursary

Bursary Payment

Payment to the Community Network

Once Dialogue McGill has approved the bursary funding, an amendment to the contract agreement between McGill University and the community network will be made and sent to the community network for signatures.

The bursary payment is distributed to the community network within forty-five (45) calendar days after the signing of the amendment to the contract agreement by both parties.

Community networks paying bursaries should contact federal and provincial authorities (Canada Revenue Agency and Revenu Québec) to get appropriate information about the issuing of tax slips.

Payment to the Recipient

The community network is responsible for disbursing payments to the Bursary Recipient.

Bursaries are paid in out in terms in two equal parts each funding year:

  1. mid-September

  2. mid-January

The bursaries are tax exempt, but may need to be declared as income in end-of-year statements.

Recipient Responsibilities

  1. Recipients must return Recipient Form 1 : Attestation of Student’s Studies to the community network within fifteen (15) calendar days after the educational institution’s official registration deadline for the applicable semester.

  2. Recipients must sign the Bursary Recipient Contract that sets out the specific conditions of the bursary that relate to default.

  3. Recipients must complete Recipient Form 2 : Proof of Bursary Payment: Section 2C to confirm reception of each bursary payment received from the community network.

The Community Network is responsible for making sure that their recipients uphold their responsibilities. Recipients who default on their responsibilities, are subject to being withdrawn from the bursary program and having to return the bursary amount in part or in full.