Sustainable Human Resource Management of Health Care Personnel Working in Minority Language Contexts | Comparative phase, Laurentians and Outaouais regions

This project is integrated into another larger one aimed at responding to strategic issues of human resource management (HRM) faced by our health systems serving English-speaking communities and other cultural minorities in Quebec, but outside the Montreal area. Its initial phase takes place in Quebec at Jeffery Hale St. Brigid's Hospital (JHSB; financing obtained from MITACS and pending ethics approval from the CIUSSS de la Capital-Nationale). The present request aims to finance the comparative phase for two regions west of Quebec: the Laurentians and Outaouais. First, the project aims to comparatively report the current endowment processes of bilingual personnel (recruitment, selection, onboarding, and integration) for certain employment categories that are in high demand in Quebec, which include nurses.


  • Paquet-Martel, Racin, & Feillou. (May, 2023). La GRH durable pour l’amĂ©lioration de la fidĂ©lisation et le bien-ĂŞtre des travailleurs, des rĂ©sidents et de leurs proches dans les Ă©tablissements regroupĂ©s au CIUSSSCN [Oral presentation]. Congrès de l’ACFAS, HEC MontrĂ©al

  • Racine et Dioh. (June, 2023). Attraction et rĂ©tention du personnel bilingue dans les Ă©tablissements de santĂ© quĂ©bĂ©cois situĂ©s en rĂ©gion : rĂ©sultats prĂ©liminaires d’une Ă©tude comparative [Oral presentation]. 2e Congrès international de l’ÉDIQ / 19e Congrès de l’ARIC (Association internationale pour la recherche interculturelle)

  • Gestion des ressources humaines (GRH) durable du personnel du milieu de la santĂ© Ĺ“uvrant en contexte linguistique minoritaire. Page prĂ©sentant le projet de recherche dans son ensemble, y compris le prĂ©sent projet. Sur la plate-forme web du Centre d’expertise sur l’adaptation aux communautĂ©s d’expression anglaise en santĂ© et services sociaux (ACESS)


Linguistically- and Culturally-Sensitive Psychotherapy: Improving Communication to Improve Outcomes


A Synthesis of Evidence of The Unique Psychosocial Challenges Faced By Quebec’s English Speaking Black Communities During the COVID-19 Pandemic